Thursday, September 22, 2022
Parking will be available at no charge in the Raynor Lot and the Irving Avenue Garage (limited space in the Garage).
Helping First-Generation Lawyers Thrive
Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Collaboratory
First, But Not Last: A discussion with the first-generation alumni who are helping to pave the way for the first-generation students to come.
During this workshop for students, a panel of alumni will shine a bright light on the journeys, challenges, and achievements of first-generation college and law grads.
The panelists and moderator are all First-Generation law graduates: Connie Matteo L’91, Assistant General Counsel, Pfizer, Dean Craig M. Boise (University of Chicago Law School), Assistant Dean Lily Hughes (UC Berkeley School of Law), and moderator Professor Courtney Abbott Hill L’09.
Lunch will be provided. The event will be live-streamed.
Hosted by First Generation Law Student Association (FGLSA)
Lunch with the Travis H.D. Lewin Advocacy Honor Society
Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Room 340
Client Advocacy: Careers in Trial and Appellate Advocacy and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Meet and learn from experts in the field.
Moderator: Todd A. Berger, Professor of Law and Director, Advocacy Program
Judge Bernadette Romano Clark L’89, Justice of the Supreme Court of Oneida County
Tom Leith, Staff Attorney, Hiscock Legal Aid
Mark Slama L’87, Partner, Windels Marx
Lunch will be provided. The event will be live-streamed.
An Afternoon with the Corporate Law Society
Moderator: Lily Yan Hughes, Assistant Dean of Career Services
Location: Collaboratory
2 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Learn from Chief Legal Officers/General Counsels and senior in-house executives who will share their journey from Syracuse Law to their leadership roles in a diverse range of public and private companies.
Behind the Corporate Curtain: Thriving and Succeeding as In-House Counsel
Moderator: Lily Yan Hughes, Assistant Dean of Career Services
Daniel Emerson L’96, Chief Legal Officer, Take 2
Connie Matteo L’91, AGC, Pfizer
Lacey Miller L’19, ACC, Amazon
Michael Olsan L’89, Deputy GC, AIG
Ben Sidbury L’01, GC, Wingate University (remote)
3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Practicing Corporate and Business Law
Discover the many facets of corporate and business law during this conversation with consultants and law partners and associates in firms of all sizes.
Moderator: Lily Yan Hughes, Assistant Dean of Career Services
Anthony Calabrese L’93, Ernst & Young
Amy D’Ambrogio L’02, Barclay Damon
Pamela Lundborg ’00 L’13, Quarles & Brady
Ted Pearce L’77, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Kevin Toomey L’12, Arnold & Porter
Fireside Chat: Professional Learning Exchange and Networking Event for Students and Alumni of Color
5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Location: David Levy Atrium
This event is an opportunity for our students of color to meet with alumni of color to learn about their law school experience, seek advice on law school priorities, explore career options, seek mentorship, hone networking skills, and develop relationships. The format is speed networking followed by a cocktail reception.
Sponsored by Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC, the Inclusion Network, and the Office of Career Services
Registration required.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Parking will be available at no charge in the Raynor Lot until 5:00pm. All guests must depart the Raynor Lot no later than 5 p.m. due to the football game. Parking will be available at no charge in the University Avenue Garage (UAG) beginning at 3:30 pm. The SU Trolley will shuttle guests at no charge between the UAG and Dineen Hall until 9 pm.
Dean Craig M. Boise’s State of the College Address
8:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Join us for breakfast, a classroom unveiling, and Dean Boise’s Annual State of the College Address!
8:15 am Breakfast and unveiling
8:45 am State of the College Address
Location: Eleanor Theodore L’52 Lecture Hall, Dineen Hall, Third Floor, Room 350
Celebrate the unveiling of the new Eleanor Theodore L’52 Lecture Hall at Dineen Hall, and attend Dean Boise’s annual address.
The State of the College Address will be live-streamed.
Lessons Learned: Perspectives on Law and Policy from the War in Ukraine
9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
9:45 – 10:30 a.m. Continental breakfast
Location: David Levy Atrium
10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Keynote address
Location: Melanie Gray Ceremonial Courtroom
Keynote speaker to be announced.
Lunch with Judiciary and Alumni
Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: David Levy Atrium
Keynote speaker: Honorable Michael J. Garcia, Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals of New York.
Sponsored by Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC and Hancock Estabrook, LLP.
US Supreme Court 2022-2023 Preview
1 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Lecture and Panel Discussion
CLE – 3 credits
Location: Melanie Gray Ceremonial Courtroom
1 p.m. Registration opens
1:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Program
The College of Law’s annual United States Supreme Court Preview brings together journalists, litigators, and academics to discuss cases pending before the Supreme Court. The event is open to students, alumni, and community members. The College of Law’s sixth annual Supreme Court Preview program will examine the pending cases on the docket for the 2022-2023 term. The Preview will open with featured speaker CNN’s Joan Biskupic, CNN Legal Analyst, followed by a panel discussion. Opportunity to earn CLE credit.
Panelists are:
- Joan Biskupic, CNN Legal Analyst
- Celia Cohen L’99, Co-Head of Financial Institutions, United States, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
- Shubha Ghosh, Crandall Melvin Professor of Law and Director of the Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute
- Benita Miller L’96, Executive Director, Powerful Families, Powerful Communities NJ
- Aliza Milner, Teaching Professor and Director of Legal Communication and Research
- Gretchen Ritter, Syracuse University Vice Chancellor, Provost, and Chief Academic Officer
Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association HAPPY HOUR!
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Neporent Café
Law Review and Journals Open House
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Outside Neporent Café and Boylan Law Review Suite, Room 344
Meet the Editorial Boards of the Law Review and other College of Law Journals and reminisce about your experiences!
The Travis H.D. Lewin Advocacy Honor Society: 1967-Today Permanent Collection
5 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
Location: Travis H.D. Lewin Commons
Hancock Estabrook Exhibit Case
Join us for the unveiling of the College of Law’s new permanent collection, a dynamic exhibit case sponsored by Hancock Estabrook LLP. History in the making, our new exhibit case will showcase key artifacts and memorabilia of the College’s triumphant teams over the years, unveiling the rich and evolving narrative of the College’s legendary advocacy program.
Syracuse Law Honors Awards Ceremony
6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Melanie Gray Ceremonial Courtroom
Join Dean Craig M. Boise, the SULAA Board, and the College of Law Community to celebrate the 2022 Law Honors Awards recipients.
- Professor Arlene Kanter
- Benita Miller L’96
- Hon. Norman Mordue L’71
- Lisa Peebles L’92
- Emil Rossi L’72
- Deborah Stanley L’77
SU vs. UVA Tailgate
6:30 pm
Location: David Levy Atrium
Planning on going to the Syracuse vs. UVA Football Game? Tailgate with us: come to Dineen Hall and enjoy a beverage and a bite before the game. Bar and buffet will open at 6:30 pm.
Law Alumni Reunion Party
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Location: David Levy Atrium
All Classes Celebration and Cocktail Reception. Join us after the Law Honors Awards ceremony to celebrate our recipients, meet up with classmates, and tailgate with us before the Syracuse vs. UVA Football game.
Music provided by a jazz combo led by Joseph Frateschi L’14, Joe Greene, Chris Spinelli ’22, and Joe Vanable.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Parking will be available at no charge in the Raynor Lot and the Irving Avenue Garage.
Meet the Authors: Jodé Millman L’79 and Lisa Peebles L’92
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Location: Collaboratory
Continental breakfast will be provided. The event will be live streamed.
Moderated by Jan Fleckenstein G’84, G’86, L’11, Director of the Law Library
Our Annual Syracuse Law Author Event returns with fiction and non-fiction selections. Meet and get to know College of Law Alumnae Jodé Millman L’79 and Lisa Peebles L’92. Hear about their new books and uncover what motivated and inspired them to write…

Jodé Millman L’79
Author of Hooker Avenue
“So many skeletons are banging on the closet doors to be set free, in this heady mix of sizzle, punch, and danger. And, even more intriguing, it’s all based on a true crime.”–Steve Berry, International and New York Times bestselling author of The Omega Factor

Lisa Peebles L’92 and John O’Brien
Co-authors of Scrapped: Justice and a Teen Informant
“Scrapped captures the barren roads and fallow fields of Oswego County the way Capote captured Finney County, Kansas in In Cold Blood.” –Tom Barbash, New York Times bestselling author of The Dakota Winters.
Veterans and Military-Connected Students Support Dialogue
Twice the Citizen – Navigating Careers in Law and Serving in the Military
10 a.m. – Noon
The National Veterans Resource Center (NVRC)
101 Waverly Ave., Syracuse NY 13210
Join retired US Army LTC (Ret.)Beth Kubala, Executive Director of the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic, and Syracuse Law student clinicians for a discussion with LT Tom Caruso L’14, G’14, MAJ Devon M. Conroy L’15, 1SG Shawn C. Graham ’00, CPT Lauren Owens, and CPT Mara Afzali, Esq. on service to our country in active duty and private duty modes. LTC Charles J. Taylor L’96 will moderate the conversation with our panelists, all of whom have served in the military in various capacities, including Active Duty, on the National Guard, and in the Reserves. Learn about their experiences navigating careers in and out of uniform and be sure to spend time with Beth Kubala, on how and why Syracuse University is the best home for veterans.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the new National Veterans Resource Center.
Hosted by the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic and the Military and Veterans Law Society
Light refreshments will be provided.
Disability Law and Policy: Updates from the Field
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Location: Room 106
Current students Matthew Yanez L’23 and Renci ‘Mercy’ Xie LL.M. ‘20 and S.J.D. Candidate will present their groundbreaking work and post-graduation plans and aspirations. Daniel Van Sant L’16, Director of Disability Policy at The Harkin Institute, Drake University, will moderate the discussion for a robust learning exchange with alumni and colleagues. There will be time for networking and small group discussions.
Hybrid event.
SULAA Board Meeting
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Room 106
College of Law Classes of 2020, 2021, & 2022 Reunion Lunch
Noon – 2 p.m.
Orange Crate Brewing Company
731 S. Crouse Ave. Syracuse NY
Fifth Annual Alumni of Color Awards Ceremony
5:30 pm. – 6:30 p.m.
Location: Melanie Gray Ceremonial Courtroom
Join Dean Craig M. Boise and the SULAA Inclusion Network to honor and celebrate this year’s recipients of the BLSA William Herbert Johnson Legacy Award, the José Bahamonde-Gonzalez L’92 Legacy Award (formerly the LALSA Legacy Award) and the Asian Pacific Islander (API) Legacy of Excellence Award.
- Asian Pacific Islander Legacy of Excellence Award: Tanuja Dehne L’98
- BLSA William Herbert Johnson Legacy Award: Tonastacia (Staci) Dennis-Taylor L’14
- José Bahamonde-Gonzalez L’92 Legacy Award: Scott A. de la Vega L’94
Fifth Annual Alumni of Color Awards Reception
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: David Levy Atrium
Event Sponsor: Central New York Women’s Bar Association